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Star Destroyer Vs Venator

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by harbuttristbrew1972 2020. 1. 23. 02:29


Star Destroyer Vs Venator
  1. Star Destroyers are capital ships in the fictional Star Wars universe. The Imperial-class Star Destroyer is 'the signature vessel of the Imperial fleet' in numerous published works including film, television, novels, comics, and video games. Each can be deployed individually as both a forward operating base and as mobile weapon systems platform responsible for safeguarding multiple planets.
  2. The Venator-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Republic Attack Cruiser, was a type of capital ship manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards for the Galactic Republic Navy, which used them extensively throughout the Clone Wars of 22 to 19 BBY. They came to be nicknamed ‘Jedi Cruisers’ due to them.

On today's Star Wars Versus episode we put the Republic's Venator Star Destroyer versus the Separatist Providence Cruiser. In a battle of Clone Wars Capital Ships, which is better?

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Wonder Woman must be titled like 'Thor (Marvel 616) vs. Wonder Woman (DC Post-Crisis)').Posts with no details or specifications whatsoever.Copy-pasta, Circlejerk or Meme derivative posts. Keep in mind that the Y-Wing and V-Wing (bomber) were the primary starfighters used by the clone troopers for bombing purposes.The ARC-130 was the primary dogfighting craft. The ARC-130 is vastly inferior to the X-Wing, and the X-Wing is only slightly superior to TIE fighters. They are not as maneuverable, but have equal firepower and are shielded.However, the ISD also carries TIE interceptors, which are even faster than TIE fighters, they're the equivalent of an A-Wing without shields.Assuming a 6-2 Fighter-Interceptor ratio on the ISD, you still have a large advantage over clone wars era fighters, but the amount of squadrons a venator carries can balance that out. The V-wing isn't actually a bomber, it's just is portrayed that way in Battlefront. The normal model only has laser cannons and has much greater acceleration and presumably maneuverability than most bomber designs.The ARC-170 is absolutely not inferior than the X-wing.


It is a much larger, more heavily armed, better shielded ship. It is also carried in much more limited numbers on a Venator, the general load is only 3 squadrons.The majority of the Venator's fighter complement is normally interceptors like the V-wing and Actis-class. There's no reason to suspect these are much worse than the basic TIE fighter. Certainly not enough to even begin to make up nearly 6 to one odds. In real life, weaponry outpaced amor. By WWII, a hit to a vulnerable area could cripple a vessel, and fighters were accurate enough to have a reasonable chance of hitting battleships in poorly defended areas. Nowadays it's even worse, missiles are more likely to hit their target than not and can carry warheads that easily overcome any realistic level of armor, so the battleship is a thing of the past.In Star Wars, defenses wildly outclass weapons.

Slugging matches between ships can take minutes or hours before either ship takes damage and fighters are almost incapable of hurting capital ships. Star Wars sees the return of sieges, where planets and cities are shielded well enough that they pretty much can't be breached. So in Star Wars, something like the Bismark would make sense, while in real life it became an obsolete design. Wookiepedia as interpreted by a 'Defender Of The Empire' junkie. Gameplay is non-cannon, but can still give insight to the setting.The Venator has:.8 Dual Heavy Turbo lasers.2 Dual Mediums.52 Point Defense lasers (not effective vs capital ships).The Imperial has:.6 Dual Heavy Turbo lasers.3 Tripple Mediums.2 Quad Heavy Turbo lasers.2 Heavy Ion cannons.60 Heavy Turbo Lasers.60 Ion CannonsIn raw fire power the ISD dwarfs the Venator several times over and could destroy it within seconds. Aside from carrying twice the payload of heavy weapons the largest difference being the Venator's 52 point defense lasers are designed for anti-fighter and anti-missile defense. The ISD's 60 turbo lasers and 60 Ion cannons are all anti-capitol ship grade weapons that can track fighters.

Venator Class Star Destroyers

While it may sound semantic it's actually a HUGE difference in weapons. The ISD is also far more than double the mass and has the shielding to vastly exceed it's physical durability.However, the Venator does carry 420 fighters to the ISD's 65-72 (Varies by load out). This would play heavily in the Venator's favor if they had enough forward warning to launch all of them in advance, but if taken by surprise they wouldn't be able to launch nearly quick enough to matter. Also, per the Wiki the fighter complement of the Venator was nearly all interceptors and fighters without any bombers. It is quite possible the ISD could simply ignore the fighters long enough to destroy the Venator then jump away with minimal damage. (the fighter to the bridge only works when you're already unshielded and damaged)In a 'random encounter' with both ships equally unprepared I think the ISD can actually launch fighters much faster than the Venator.

While it carries only a 1/5th as many the battle would be long over before it had finished launching it's own 72 and the Venator would still be getting it's first few squadrons out. The Venator uses a 'classic' launch bay while the ISD launches it's fighters from suspended racks on a conveyor. The fighters then land in a separate bay for quick recovery.The Venator can 'open up' to launch a huge number of fighters quickly, but it is a slow process and is extremely exposed while doing so. It would be a liability in a 1 vs 1 against the ISD.edit: formatting. That's not how ship generations work, just FYI.The Imperial Star Destroyer was an improvement over the Victory II class, which was an improvement over the Victory I class, which was an improvement over the Venator Class/Acclamator Class.ISDs are considered 'capital ships' compared to the Venator and Victory star destroyers 'Frigate' class ships.The venator was a capital ship during the clone wars, it's completely outgunned.

It's a wet paper bag compared to a brick. The ISD has massive advantages in everything except fighter capacity, and the Imperial-class carries vastly superior fighters.

The ISD isn't really an improvement over the Victory, it's just a larger model of Star Destroyer. The Victory absolutely isn't an improvement over the Venator, the Venator fulfills a carrier role in the Republic fleet while the Victory is all for space superiority.

It would be somewhat like saying the Essex-class carriers were an improvement over the Iowa-class battleships. They're both Star Destroyers, but take different roles.The difference between an ISD and a Vic or Venator isn't really enough to put them is separate classes. In Star Wars, warship categories have to hold much more variation in tonnage. The largest ships are hundreds of times larger than any class of Star Destroyer and the smallest are hundreds of times smaller.

In real naval terminology, they'd all be destroyers - vastly smaller than the battleships but larger than the frigates and patrol boats. In universe, they have their own scale, but they're considered Star Destroyers on all of them.Edit: Of course, the Venator is still outclassed in firepower by a substantial degree. It loses this fight badly. Imperial Star Destroyer, all the way. Their is a notable size difference between the ships, and even if they are using the same tech level weapons and shields, it's ISD just has more guns. The wiki pages for and highlight my point.Venator Class Destroyers were 1,137 meters long, ISD's were 1,600 meters.

Venators had a lot of smaller guns and fighters, but the ISD's were 'better' arranged, able to fight on multiple fronts or simply lower the bow and fire all their guns 'up' at a single target.It's also worth noting that the Venator served as the basis for the Victory Class destoyers. The Victory Destroyers in turn would serve as the Basis for the Imperial class, both of which received and upgrade around 0ABY or later.

I'm pleased to present the Moderately Sized ISD (a/k/a the ISD Aggressor or the 'mini-Tyrant'). It's an ISD MOC that attempts to maximize exterior detail, interior detail, and playability.Details:- 15310 parts- Instructions are step-by-step, professional-quality pdfs.

Star Destroyer Vs Venator