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Torchlight 2 Embermage Fire Build

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by harbuttristbrew1972 2020. 1. 23. 02:30


Torchlight 2 Embermage Fire Build

Download Read Online.torchlight 2 embermage statstorchlight 2 embermage build 2017torchlight 2 embermage build reddittorchlight 2 buildstorchlight 2 embermage fire buildtorchlight 2 frost mage buildtorchlight 2 embermage prismatic bolt buildtorchlight 2 embermage build 2018ELITE PRISMATIC BOLT EMBERMAGE GUIDE with wand + shield.? TABLE OF CONTENT: 1 – SKILLS. 2 – SKILLS CHOICE. 3 – LEVELING.17 Feb 2014 A simple Embermage can be built around the level 1 skill Prismatic Bolt. Core Skills: Prismatic Bolt: 15 points.

Torchlight 2 Embermage Spellsword Build / Guide. 3.2 Frost o Icy Blast: Because Fire Brand triggers not only on subsequent fire attacks on burning targets, but on any attack on a burning target, one could theoretically use this as a multi-target AoE spam after lighting a group up. Whether it is the best method of going about business is. A Prismatic Bolt Embermage build is intentionally designed to not be gear reliant. Staves and wands are important in builds which use spells whose damage is based on a percentage of weapon DPS. With that said, you can still receive some of the bonuses offered by the weapons or in fact use them to build up charge when mana is low. » Torchlight 2 Embermage Prismatic Bolts Build Guide. Torchlight 2 Embermage Prismatic Bolts Build Guide. Torchlight 2 Embermage Prismatic Bolts Build Guide by Mercarcher. 15/15 in Fire, Ice, and Lightning Brand – All of these increase your elemental damage output with prismatic bolts.

And the Passives: Fire Brand: 15Embermage – Frostmage Build (Elite NG+) by sydneyh Comprehensive guide to the Embermage by FishofMuu. Sticky request.18 Sep 2012SKA 6 years ago#2. The most efficient build is prismatic bolt with maxing the lvl 14 passives of all 3 trees, fire brand/ice brand/lightning brand.11 Aug 2013 Another build of mine for one of the common builds, the Prismatic Bolt Again, I didn’t invent the wheel, Prismatic Bolt Embermages are Torchlight II. It every 2 seconds for the previously mentioned semi-phenomenal,5 Oct 201219 Aug 2015 Short but thorough guide for evaluating the Embermage’s skills in Torchlight II.24 Sep 2012 Recommended skill builds for Embermage in Torchlight 2 with tips on talent trees, stats and charging.25 Sep 2012 Like hot chocolate and marshmallows, our Embermage guide is best-used in conjunction with our Torchlight 2 Class Guide, which will be.

SkillsPassive SkillsFire/Lightning/Ice Brand: These are just too obviously good not to mention. Once your Crit chance is up these provide free bonus damage basically. Just pick the one that matches the element of your choice. (15 skill points in appropriate element)Prismatic Rift: Max this. As an elementalist you should not be getting hit much, but when you do, you want your enemies as far from you as possible.


This passive makes it so that enemies that hit you have a chance of getting teleported backwards while taking some damage. (15 skill points)Charge Mastery: Do NOT max this skill. It’d be wasteful in my opinion as you can probably maintain full charge with less skill points. Definitely get it, but I wouldn’t dump 15 into this unless I had no better alternatives. (as many skill points to stay in almost constant charged state)Frozen Fate: Level this up anywhere from 6-15. It gives you a chance upon killing enemies to freeze nearby enemies. This has NO requirements.

It doesn’t matter how you kill the enemy, it just works. Definitely max it out if you are going Ice, but even if you aren’t why not get this skill considering you should be killing very quickly.

(6-15 skill points)Elemental Attunement: While useful as it enables your passive Fire/Lightning/Ice Brands to proc, 15 more seconds is just overkill. I think I’d put in about 5 points to 10 points. Remember, that if it doesn’t seem enough at low levels, it will be at higher levels when your critical strike chance is higher. The more crit you have the more you refresh shocked/burning/chilled effects, making this skill less necessary. (5-10 skill points)Staff Mastery: Consider putting at least 1 point in this, especially if playing with friends. It makes hitting enemies with your staff debuff their resistances by 6% at 1/15, going up 2% each skill point you invest. Not only does the debuff last a delicious 10 seconds, but it’s cumulative meaning that each hit keep reducing their resistances.

Think about it this way, before casting at an elite boss with your friends, go up behind him and smack him with your staff a few times. This will make him take significantly more damage. It now also is applied by all skills that use staff dps. (minimum 1 out of 15)Active SkillsElemental Boon: Max this.

Not only does this help your elemental resistances, at tier 2 (10/15) it increases your mana regen rate and at tier 3 (15/15) it adds casting speed. (15 skill points)Thunder Locus: I love this so skill so much, I gave a name to the ball of lightning you summon: “Steve.” He’s just so useful. It does significantly good damage even without items supporting it, and it fires on its own. This skill is super helpful in elite because you can place it, then just kite enemies around it. I’d get this regardless of the element I end up using.

(15 skill points)Astral Ally: Invest at your discretion. While you may have more fire power than you need, having a summon acts as great damage mitigation. You want anything that gives your foes something to attack that isn’t you. If you are playing with meatshields- er, I mean, friends you need this less than you would if you want to solo elite.Immolation Aura: Max this if you are playing on elite and find yourself being beaten up.

Otherwise it’s not really all that necessary. As it tiers up it provides damage reduction. 15% less damage taken is nothing to scoff at.

(15 skill points on elite)Death’s Bounty: How many points you put into this is up to you. It makes monsters afflicted by this debuff release bolts that heal you and your allies mana and health. If you are playing hardcore elite max this, otherwise it’s up to you. (max this for hardcore, otherwise you may not desire it)Blazing Pillar: Consider investing in this for just one reason: “Blazing Pillar is good at generating charge.” I’d put one skill point into it to at least test how much charge it gets, you can always respec your last 3 points. If it gains significant chunks of charge, put a point in.Storm Phase: Put at least one point into this skill, at your discretion. If you aren’t going Ice Elementalist, I’d leave this at 1.

It’s a great escape skill. (1-5 skill points if you aren't focusing ice, 15 if you are)Hailstorm: Just want to note that you should max this whether you are lightning or ice. It deals ice damage but as you tier it up it makes enemies take more of both lightning and ice damage.

It’s a great Debuff and with a 50% chance to stun, what’s not to love? Stat CoreThe way I’d make this build efficient is by NOT dispersing my stats. I’d invest in them one at a time. I think you should spend your earlier levels investing in almost nothing but Focus. The elemental damage boss, mana boost, and mana regen boost are essential so that you can keep spamming spells.

As you progress further and start hitting diminishing returns for focus, switch your priority to dexterity. This will boost your critical strike chance, which will apply your elements effect to enemies, and provides dodge for survivability. Strength is something consider if diminishing returns have significantly hurt dexterity and focus, because improved critical strike damage is only useful if you have a high critical strike chance in the first place. Item CoreStaff and wands are clearly going to be your priority because they tend to have caster bonuses on them more often than other weapons. I’m going staff for staff mastery, but consider using a wand and shield for more survivability.Item affixes you want are +% damage, +% damage to the element you picked, cast speed, and mana. Don’t underestimate stacking mana, the bigger your mana pool the faster your regen.


Torchlight 2 Embermage Fire Build Elite

This could turn you into a spell casting machine gun. Really try to stack +% elemental damage though. Spell ScrollsFind Elemental Overload as soon as you can as it gives you a huge boost to elemental damage and makes any embermage amazing. I’d put Heal All and Rumble on your pet. Rumble has a chance of breaking enemy shields.

I’d also give your pet 2 summons for damage mitigation. This is a build where I happily suggest using the Adventurer spell scroll which gives you improved exp and fame rates, as well as making potions more effective.

This will help you make the most of mana potions and help you level quickly.edit. I found a new scroll called Concentration that increases mana regen, this is godly. I've been seeing people say that points should go into Focus and Vitality, so do you think they should go into Dexterity instead of Vitality?Or rather, what's your general opinion about it? I know things aren't very set in stone or very rigid about skills/stats. XDThat depends on what you're going for.

Now, you don't have to max out your Focus to 500, for example, because you will be getting boosts to Elemental Damage and possibly execute chance from your gear. Having it pretty high is still a good idea. At least 3 if not 4 points every level should go into your base stat.Putting a few points into Vitality may seem good for survival, however if you're dual wielding wands or wielding a staff you're only getting half the value out of it, and the lesser half at that.

Awesome guide, and a huge help in getting a character started!I'm wondering if anyone has specced into Thunder Locus to Tier 1 and determined whether its two attacks will hit a single target - more of a curiosity than requirement for me to take it, but hadn't seen a definitive yes or no anywhere yet.Cheers!EDIT: Found a slow-moving enemy and observed results - it appears that it will.not. strike a single target multiple times, but the multi-target damage is WELL worth the decrease in single target damage! Also, if it's just you and one other enemy, you're probably OK, it's the crowds that insta-gib you on Elite. Thanks for the great guides, used them as starters for 3 classes now. Luving playing this class but am having a huge problem in multiplayer building charge. Mana/health are no issue at all with Deaths Bounty. Damage is insane using Elemental Boon prepull, then Hailstorm(to freeze stuff), Firestorm(to get things burning), and Blazing Pilar(to activate Fire Brand bonuses and gain charge), Magma Spear(on bosses) and Thunder Locus(situationaly on choke points).

Torchlight 2 Best Mage Build

With the wife playing a single target damage Outlander we pretty much run nonstop through everything on normal mode. The problem is I almost never can get charge to proc. I think charge mastery may need to go much higher than my current 5/15 for multiplayer unless I can find some serious +charge gear or gems. Anyone else having multiplayer charge problems and have suggestions? About to move onto hard mode and figure I better have this figured out first.

Torchlight 2 Embermage Fire Build